Green entrepreneurship, new economic

Green entrepreneurship, new economic

Green entrepreneurship new mode of green economic growth

Algerian experts and consultants in the field of green entrepreneurship provide us with input and insight on the advantages of green entrepreneurship and how a green economy can solve many social and economic problems in our country

Algeria like other countries around the world is already facing significant challenges, multiplied by the effects of climate change and the degradation of natural resources. The green economy is an opportunity for our country to achieve the objectives of economic growth and sustainable development, while contributing to the fight against the effects of climate change. The green economy should be part of the strategies implemented by the public authorities, in particular for the next government in order to ensure growth that integrates the preservation and enhancement of natural and human capital.

Algeria must now adopt a model that takes green growth into account. Green entrepreneurship is an asset to support Algeria in its economic, technological and environmental transition. It therefore constitutes a new economic dynamic in full evolution in a context of awareness of global environmental issues.

Young people unemployed or graduates, future green entrepreneurs are carriers of original and innovative initiatives. But these remain little known and do not often benefit from training and support allowing them to develop rapidly. As of today, the public authorities are aware of the need to provide support to this promising sector - creator of wealth and employment by acting on the regulatory framework, by promoting the work carried out by these green entrepreneurs and by encouraging young people in general to adopt this new mode of green economic growth

Algeria relies on untapped natural resources, which in the near future will be key resources for ensuring the livelihoods of Algerians.

Green entrepreneurship is becoming an asset for Algeria by supporting it in its economic, technological and environmental transition: agriculture, sustainable water management, waste reuse (circular economy), access to renewable energies, ecotourism and much more. '' other sectors relating to sustainable industrial processes (optimization of the consumption of resources such as raw materials, water, energy, and reduction of polluting emissions) which are the subject of this new form of entrepreneurship.

Our country is already facing major challenges such as food insecurity, poverty, the presence of infectious diseases such as COVID 19, growing inequalities such as access to energy. These challenges are multiplied by the effects of climate change, the degradation of natural resources and the galloping population growth year after year.

According to the UNEP report - United Nations Environment Program, the private sector could contribute more than 80% of the capital needed to deal with the consequences of climate change. The report also underlines the expected benefits for very small and medium-sized enterprises, which will be able to anticipate changes and adopt a responsible and sustainable approach.

 Thus, the capacity of these companies to innovate and develop goods and services in natural resources and with low environmental and climate impacts will increasingly be one of the essential criteria of evaluation and reputation - and therefore of success. Today, and more than ever, green growth is compatible with the priorities of development and so-called green growth in Algeria.

Green entrepreneurship is thus considered as a major response to the issues and challenges of today: encouraging young unemployed or graduates to create green SMEs to create wealth and sustainable and green employment, knowing that the higher education currently produces 120,000 academics each year. The figure will reach, according to the projection of experts, to 330,000 in 2024. The university unemployment rate, estimated at 14% of the unemployed, will inexorably follow the upward curve in the number of graduates.

What is green entrepreneurship ?

Before giving a definition of green entrepreneurship, it is necessary to define what sustainable development is. “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the capacities of future generations.

3- Sustainable development is based on three  pillars, namely :

-The economic pillar which must be productive, that is to say generate profits,

-The social pillar which must ensure an acceptable and fair standard of living for the entire population,

-And, the environmental pillar, which must aim to respect the exploited space and resources.

We can thus define green entrepreneurship as a choice to engage in a green economy. It encompasses less polluting economic activities, technologies, products and services that aim to sustainably reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ecological footprint, minimize pollution and save resources to ensure better lives for future generations.

Green entrepreneurship thus constitutes a new economic dynamic in full evolution in the context of growing awareness of global environmental issues. It takes into account the objectives of sustainable development through the green economy.

What about Algeria ?

As a reminder, the pace of transition to green entrepreneurship will vary from one nation to another as it depends on the specificities of each country's natural and human capital and its level of development. This transition nevertheless requires the consideration of these three essential dimensions.

-Invest in the sustainable management of the main resources and natural capital,

-Put in place the appropriate conditions at the market level and in particular the regulatory instruments,

-And finally, promote skills and especially know-how,

Green entrepreneurship is an asset for the future of Algeria, it will certainly contribute to the transition to a green economy: renewable energies, waste recovery, organic farming, eco-construction, sustainable water management, eco-friendly tourism, etc...

The initiatives led by green entrepreneurs that we have trained as part of a program called El Moukawalatiya El Khedra, initiated by the Association of Women in the Green Economy in partnership with the MIDDLE EAST PARTNERSHIP INIATIVE (MEPI) of the Embassy of United States in Algeria are distinguished by two criteria: contribution to the general interest and a real impact on local development.

Beyond the environmental purpose, the green entrepreneur trained in the creation of a green business considers the societal purpose at the heart of his strategy. It proposes to develop short marketing circuits and more sustainable production methods. The green entrepreneur values​​knowledge, know-how and local-organic products. The impact in terms of development is real; it is about supporting local development and creating sustainable green jobs.

Engaging in green activities is a revealing sign of the potential of the green sector in Algeria; it also reveals the courage and perseverance of these young people trained from different universities who "dared" to innovate and design sustainable ecological solutions through their projects which were presented in front of jury members made up of experts, representatives of institutions, organizations and agencies.

However, although green entrepreneurship is at an embryonic stage in Algeria and young green entrepreneurs are carriers of original and innovative initiatives, these remain unknown and they do not often benefit from support to make their projects a reality on the ground.

Although public authorities and civil society are beginning to realize more and more the need to provide support to this sector; some of them set up programs in partnership with international cooperation organizations to train young academics in green business creation.

This is the case of the Association of Women in the Green Economy, which has formed several training sessions dedicated to young academics, future green entrepreneurs in the management of green business creation for three consecutive years in partnership with the MIDDLE EAST PARTNERSHIP INIATIVE (MEPI ) of the United States Embassy in Algeria, training sessions provided by national training experts, approximately 300 young university graduates benefited from this training.